"Line Describing Your Mom—its title a cheeky nod to Anthony McCall’s canonical “solid-light” film Line Describing a Cone (1974)—sets altered footage of amateur liturgical choreography to the sounds of a woman’s YouTube confessional. Here and elsewhere, Robinson makes familiar media strange again, exploring collective memory through a poetics of devotion and loss." - Whitney Museum of American Art
"[A] work absolutely worthy of its exceptional title. After a few moments watching a dance troupe position themselves in a dragon-like pose, Michael Robinson drops the beat with a fiery explosion and what sounds like a karaoke version of a Gloria Estefan song, leaving behind a throbbing pulse of green light which washes over the audience and helps pull one out from the heavy flicker of the dance troupe. It's a heavily layered, affecting work that recalls that initial moment of irrational fear after waking from a nightmare.” - Doug McLaren, Cine-File
BOMB interview